By the time I meet Tina Gordon in the cannabis garden she’s already been up and working with her crew since 5:30 a.m. Cannabinoids and terpenes have built up through the darkness of the night, and harvesting alongside the sunrise captures the flowers’ medicinal compounds at the peak of ripeness. The flowers are beginning to […]
The Great Skunk Hunt
“It’s been over 20 years now I haven’t had that flavor,” Frank says of his quest to bring back the weed he remembers. “First I started sniffing around. I heard the buzz that everybody’s starting to talk about Skunk again. I’ve always missed it, but I haven’t tried to bring it back. It’s expensive [to […]
Rock ‘n’ Roll Sungrown
The California Dream
Fig Farms Keeps Things Weird
Roy Choi Confronts His Cannabis Demons
Roy Choi Confronts His Cannabis Demons
Editing the Cannabis Genome with Ebbu
A cutting-edge research company in Colorado is working on editing the cannabis genome, producing single-cannabinoid strains,…
Iron & Weed: Cat Cora Eyes the Edibles Industry
Cat Cora moves to dominate the cannabis industry with the same health-focused, love-filled cooking she brought…